Work & Aging opportunities

As people age, persistent and increasing discrimination in the labor market widens  disparities in employment and earnings. Many of the same people on the losing end of the labor market are also hurt by other structural barriers, including racism and other prejudices based on identity, as well as impediments in educational opportunities, financial markets, and housing choices. These inequalities have long-lasting negative and cumulative impacts on economic security, health, disability, and well-being, leaving disproportionate shares of discriminated groups in poverty, poor health, and disability. Groups experiencing labor market and other discrimination include African Americans, Latinx, people with disabilities, immigrants, women, LGBTQ+ people, older workers, and people with felony convictions.

Similarly, a lifetime of work that is more dangerous, lower paying, and/or that reinforces subordination exacerbates long-term health divides and affects health and well-being in old age. The NYRDRC seeks to investigate the mechanisms for the observed effects to explore ways that Social Security and other public and private systems can help.

Meet the Researchers

  • Jess Hardie

  • Frank Heiland

  • Na Yin

  • Duygu Basaran Sahin

  • Mara Sheftel